Monday, June 4, 2012


This past week I have been working a lot on putting together a presentation on strategy for Surmount, the company I am working with. They gave me a very broad task of coming up with new ideas and methods to improve the customer experience that the companies we work with provide. It’s been a bit of a challenge taking on such a broad project, but at the same time it’s been great to use my own ideas.

This week has also been full of amazing food. On Friday I went with the Guajardo family (who I’m staying with) to Ramón Páez’ house to make tacos. I have never eaten so much good food, and ate about eight tacos. It’s easy to keep eating when there is an endless supply of fresh guacamole, beans, salsa, meat, chicken, and cheese. I also experienced more of the Chilean culture I hadn’t known before as a missionary. Apparently it is typical to stay out really late with friends. We got home at about 2:30 AM!

Tacos con los Páez

The following day we fired up the mud oven in back and cooked up some ribs, steak, potatoes, chicken, and fresh bread (pan amasado). Despite the fact that I ate enough to carry over until the following day, I am still just as thin.

Pancito amasado, goat cheese, butter, and ají pebre (salsa)
On Friday I put some shops skills to practice in cutting about 50 PVC pipe pieces for an activity we will be using this week as we train the regional managers of a pharmacy called Cruz Verde.

Cutting with Pablo using a little table saw

My greatest accomplishment this week was finally breaking a light bulb with my head. I liked to think that it was something that only happened to my old man, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t think this day would one day arrive. It was the classic stand straight up right into a light fixture. 

In Santiago last week

The golden hour in Limache 

This video shows some clips from a stake primary activity I helped out with a couple weeks ago. Not the most exciting video, but you get the point.


  1. That was a great video Ben. Very well made. Good memories of the campo too.

  2. Oh Ben I just love you...thanks for keeping a blog and being the amazing person you are. :) I can't wait to continue reading about your adventures! Be safe!!!
